Preserving the Former IRT Powerhouse: A Preservation Plan

New York, NY (Spring 2009)


In 2009, as a member of the Powerhouse Preservation Studio, I extensively researched the monumental McKim, Mead, & White former IRT/59th Street Powerhouse in order to create a comprehensive preservation plan for the building. The group advocated for the landmark designation and adaptive reuse of this enormous structure, which encompasses a full city block from 58th to 59th Streets and 11th to 12th Avenues. Our preservation plan included a detailed history of the building, survey of historic and current neighborhood context, preservation guidelines, and recommendations for future stewardship and adaptive reuse. This report prompted a third Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC) hearing for the Powerhouse and assisted the mission of the non-profit Hudson River Powerhouse Group.

While the NYC Landmark Preservation Committee again declined to designate the IRT Powerhouse at that hearing due to continued opposition from ConEdison, the LPC would go on to finally landmark this magnificent structure — utilizing this preservation plan’s research — in 2017.

Read the report here.


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